Ekurhuleni Prepaid Meter Failed Reset
Posted in: Maintenance

Ekurhuleni Prepaid Meter Failed Reset: How to Fix It

When your Ekurhuleni prepaid meters fail, it is vital to get them fixed, but it is always disheartening when you reset your prepaid meter and it still fails, leaving you in total confusion and darkness. What will you do when this happens? Well, if your Ekurhuleni prepaid meter failed to reset, you will need to identify the reason why that happened and try troubleshooting measures to resolve it. 

Ekurhuleni prepaid meter failed reset can be due to various factors like sudden power surges, software malfunctions, and technical glitches, among others. Any of these issues can cause your meter reset to not be successful. But the good thing is that a failed prepaid meter reset can still be fixed. 

Fixing an Ekurhuleni prepaid meter that failed to reset is not difficult since there are many measures that you can use to resolve it, ranging from updating your prepaid meter’s software to fixing physical damages on the meter to contacting Ekurhuleni prepaid meter customer support when necessary. With this, you can reset your Ekurhuleni prepaid meter successfully without it failing again.

Ekurhuleni Prepaid Meters Issues that may Require Reset

Ekurhuleni Prepaid Meter Failed Reset

Some of the common Ekurhuleni  prepaid meters issues that may require reset are:

  • Communication errors between the prepaid meter and central system
  • Token rejection
  • Inaccurate recording of energy consumption
  • Blank prepaid meter screen.

Reasons why Ekurhuleni Prepaid Meter Reset may Fail

The reasons why your meter reset may fail are outlined below:

  • Sudden power surge
  • Software or technical glitches
  • Malfunctioning of hardware
  • Network issues, among others.

How to Fix Ekurhuleni Prepaid Meter Failed Reset 

If, after resetting your Ekurhuleni Prepaid Meter, it still fails, then try any of the troubleshooting measures below to get it resolved.

If you encounter a failed reset error on your Ekurhuleni prepaid meter, follow these steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue:

1. Inspect your Ekurhuleni Prepaid Meter 

  • Check if there is any physical damage to the meter
  • Examine to see if there are loose wires
  • Look for physical damage or burned component within the meter housing
  • If you notice any physical damage, contact Ekurhuleni customer support for help.

2. Check your Power Supply 

  • Ensure that your property is receiving stable power supply
  • Check your main circuit breaker and ensure that it is in the ‘’ON’’ mode
  • Confirm that there is power supply within your neighborhood; if there is none, then it is a general problem

3. Reset your Ekurhuleni Prepaid Meter Manually 

  • Check if your meter brand has a reset button
  • Use the manufacturer’s manual to reset your meter manually
  • Resetting the prepaid meter manually generally involves pressing and holding the button for a few seconds.

4. Update your Ekurhuleni Prepaid Meter Software Updates 

  • Update your meter’s software with the current one
  • You can also update the firmware when a new model is available.

5. Contact Ekurhuleni Customer Support 

  • If none of the above measure worked for you, then contact Ekurhuleni prepaid meter customer support for assistance
  • Provide your meter number and briefly describe your meter’s problem
  • They’ll help you resolve the issues.


The Ekurhuleni prepaid meter failing to reset issues are resolvable. You can fix it by updating your meter’s software, fixing physical damage on the meter, or by contacting Ekurhuleni prepaid meter customer support when the issue persists.

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